Corporate InformationCOMPANY

Company Outline

Company Outline

as of March 31, 2024

Head Office 2-2-33 Kinrakuji-cho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0806, Japan



Main Business The design, construction and superintendence of a wide variety of boilers, plant machinery, pollution prevention plants, environmental equipment plants, and heating and cooling equipment and feedwater / drainage sanitation equipment and facilities. The design, construction and superintendence of civil, architecture and other works.
Representative Director Hiroaki Nanjo, President and CEO
Established June 10, 1938
Capital 13,367 Million yen
Net sales [Consolidated] 149,166 Million yen (FY2023)
[Non-consolidated] 91,616 Million yen (FY2023)
Number of employees [Consolidated] 4,278
[Non-consolidated] 1,054
Board of Directors and Executive Officers "Executives" for more information
Affiliate company "Group" for more information

TAKUMA business introduction video

Brand movie "Creating Energy from Waste - Takuma's Circular Future"

Integrated Report


The venerable Tsunekichi Takuma
The venerable
Tsunekichi Takuma
The first "TAKUMA boiler" introduced by our founder, the venerable Tsunekichi Takuma
1930 The venerable Tsunekichi Takuma commended as one of the ten great inventors of Japan during the Meiji and Taisho periods (1868-1926)
1938 Takuma Boiler Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Founded Company Motto instituted: "Serve society through boiler manufacturing"
Harima Factory
Harima Factory
Operation begins at Harima Factory
1949 Company listed on the Osaka and Tokyo stock exchanges
Bagasse fired boiler, the first product of its kind in the industry, exported
1953 Head Office moved to Osaka's Kita-ku District
1958 Business expanded into the environmental facility sectors, including waste incineration and water treatment plants
1961 Operation begins at Kyoto Factory
Sumiyoshi Plant, City of Osaka
Sumiyoshi Plant,
City of Osaka
Japan's first 24 hour operating waste incineration plant delivered
Sewerage treatment facility delivered
1972 Company renamed TAKUMA CO., LTD.
Vacotin heater
Vacotin heater
Bulk production begins on "vacotin heater", the world's first vacuum-type hot water heater
1986 The first overseas delivery of a waste treatment facility completed (U.S.A.)
Amagasaki Head Office Building
Amagasaki Head Office Building
Amagasaki Head Office Building completed
Shin-Koto Incineration Plant
Shin-Koto Incineration Plant
Japan's largest waste incineration plant delivered
(Shin-Koto Incineration Plant capacity: 1,800 t/day)
2005 Takuma Hanyokikai Co., Ltd., a subsidiary involved in the manufacture and sale of small boilers, and Ebara Boiler Co., Ltd. merged and renamed Nippon Thermoener Co., Ltd.
Lakeside EfW Plant
Lakeside EfW Plant
Energy from Waste plant delivered in Europe (U.K.)
TAKUMA Solar Power Plant
TAKUMA Solar Power Plant
Operation of the TAKUMA Solar Power Plant began
2015 Established Takuma Energy Co., Ltd. and entered the power retail business
Solution Lab
Solution Lab
Opened "Solution Lab," our remote monitoring/operation support center
New TAKUMA Building (Training Center)
New TAKUMA Building
New TAKUMA Building (Training Center) completed
Harima Factory
Harima Factory
Harima Factory renewal construction completed
Opened "Supply Lab," after-sales srevice facility