Internal control

Takuma has adopted a Basic Policy for Establishment of an Internal Control System in accordance with the Companies Act. We continue to review and improve this policy in response to changing circumstances. Working towards thorough compliance, Takuma built a compliance promotion organization in FY2006 in order to continuously implement enlightenment and educational activities that make corporate ethics, related laws and ordinances, and internal rules fully understood. To control the danger of loss, we have also prepared a “Risk Management Code”that determines the person in charge of each risk, and we set up our risk management organization according to that Code. When the unexpected occurs, emergency headquarters are established with the company president as the director in charge of risk management, and an organization is put in place in order to minimize and prevent further damage through prompt action.
Internal control, constructed and evaluated in order to report on and prevent misstatements in our financial reporting, is based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. This internal control on financial reporting for the Group has resulted in reports that indicate this system has been effective.
In this way, we will continue to work in the future to ensure thorough compliance while carrying out business properly and efficiently while also deepening risk management.