Risk Management

We consider it necessary to effectively address risks that could interfere with the group’s achievement of its business goals so that we can safeguard and steadily increase our corporate value over the long term.

To that end, we have established a series of Risk Management Code based on our Risk Management Policy. Each business department compiles a risk management plan and risk management report that identify risks with the potential to adversely impact our businesses while setting forth measures to avoid, transfer, mitigate, or otherwise address them. The Compliance & CSR Promotion Division provides central management in this area, reporting status information to directors and officers to anchor a companywide approach to risk management. In the event a problem is discovered with the risk management process, we review the process as appropriate.

For risk management in relation to the construction, operation and maintenance of plants, which is our main business, we have formulated the 'Project Risk Management Code', as well as the 'DBO Project Risk Management Code' and the 'DBO Project Operation and Maintenance Risk Management Code'. We have put in place structures that make it possible to minimize the occurrence of risks and the severity of damage when they do occur. We have also compiled a series of Crisis Management Code to address risks that have manifested themselves by setting forth methods for minimizing losses.

Group companies also work to develop and strengthen approaches to risk management through the TAKUMA Group Coordinating Committee for Compliance and CSR Promotion.

Risk Management Policy

Basic purpose of risk management

Risk refers to all phenomena that interfere with the Group’s ability to achieve its business objectives or cause losses or harm to the interests of stakeholders.
The Takuma Group practices risk management with the goal of increasing its corporate value by working to maximize returns while minimizing the negative impacts of risk.

Risk management action guidelines

The president and CEO is responsible for risk management at Takuma.
All officers and employees participate in risk management activities.
Risk management activities are carried out in accordance with applicable guidelines such as the Risk Management Code.
Risk management activities are carried out in line with the medium-term management plan and annual plan, and we work to make improvements on an ongoing basis.
When risk manifests itself, we respond by taking responsible action quickly to minimize any damage and creating provisional organizational entities as necessary.
Group companies carry out risk management activities in accordance with their own policies and plans, with support from Takuma.

Risk Management Structure

Risk Management Structure