TAKUMA Environmental Policy

April 1, 2005

TAKUMA has established the following environmental policy as a means to allow all employees to contribute to the preservation of the environment. This policy applies to the activities of all TAKUMA departments.

Environmental Philosophy

TAKUMA is committed to preserving the environment and realizing an affluent society through business activities under the Company Motto:“Value Technology, Value People, Value the Earth.”

Operational Guidelines

All TAKUMA Group companies will recognize the importance of maintaining a balance between preservation of the environment and business activities.
Continuously develop activities to preserve the environment that comply with applicable environmental laws and ordinances, and ensure environmental control and assessment systems conform to international environmental standards.
Promote development of improved technologies and products for society that preserve the environment.
Address resource conservation, energy efficiency, recycling, and minimization of waste generated by all business activities.
Improve employee awareness and understanding about the importance of preserving the environment through environmental education and internal promotional activities.
Provide the community with information on the activities of TAKUMA to preserve the environment.
Operational Guidelines

This policy to preserve the environment will be made known both internally and externally.

TAKUMA operates Harima Factory which has been awarded ISO 14001 accreditation. Harima Factory has implemented environmental control activities based on an environmental management system established in accordance with applicable international standards.
Please see “TAKUMA Harima Factory Environmental Policy” for details.